Wednesday, April 21, 2010

When things don't make any sense

As many of you have noticed, it seems the information we receive these days goes through a wide range of translations from its original source, depending on which pundit or "news" service which give us the "knowledge". Since the days of the caveman, where rival cave dwellers would modify the cave wall drawings to suit their own beliefs, much the same is done with information these days.

It amazes me how many people believed the "Death Squad" reports related to the Health Reforms, and how we would simply refuse to treat our elderly, thereby reducing the cost of Medicare. Maybe the Chinese had the right idea centuries ago, where they would (if affordable) buy some opium for their old folks to smoke so they were more happy and docile. We arrived close to that idea some years back when some nursing facilities would medicate their patients to the point of semi-comas so they needed less watching and attention.

Anyway, I just don't understand why people believe all they hear. I thought we were smarter than that. Perhaps not. We need to realize that things are really not what they seem, until proven by someone other then Glen Beck or other crap spouting commentators.